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Nick Cheadle

Rising star talks with us about his fitness regime, nutrition and supplementation.


How did you get started?

I was heavily into playing cricket at a young age. I also played rugby and tennis. After high school, I no longer had a routine and was less active. After moving away from home, despite working as a personal trainer, I started to get a little ‘fluffy’ at one point! I rarely cooked and ate a lot of take-out food, and it definitely started to show. At the time, I had no concept of nutrition and believed all I needed was to find the ‘right’ training program. Even though I was a personal trainer, I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror! I felt I really wasn’t ‘walking the walk’ and I decided I needed to make some changes. After all, people don’t want trainers who are out of shape. Looking back, I possibly battled a mild form of orthorexia. When I began focusing on my nutrition, I adopted a terribly strict and regimented approach.

I struggled with binge-eating and I would end up throwing off my progress for weeks at a time. The restrictive nature of my dieting ultimately fuelled my fire and contributed to who I am today.


What motivates you to keep going and push harder?

I have an inner drive to push myself harder. Having the opportunity to motivate and share what I’ve learned with others is a big thing for me too. I remember how hard it all seemed for me in the beginning.

It’s been great to be able to ‘transform’ my body, and I love feeling confident in the way I look, but the opportunity to inspire and impart knowledge on others has been the real icing on the cake.

What is your current training philosophy?

I perform squats, bench press and deadlifts 2-3 times per week and incorporate light, moderate and heavy days depending on my training focus. I place the emphasis on increasing volume over time, rather than cramming as much volume into one session as I can, and I perform traditional bodybuilding-style accessory work to supplement main lifts. I include supersets, drop sets and other overload techniques to keep the intensity high.

Full Routine:

Monday: Moderate Deadlifts/Chest/ Shoulders

  • Deadlifts 5 x 8-10

  • Snatch Grip Deadlift 3 x 10-12

  • Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4 x 12-15

  • Decline Cable Fly’s 4 x 20

  • DB Shoulder Press 4 x 8-10

  • DB Lateral Raise 4 x 12-15

Tuesday: Heavy Squats/Lower Body AccessoryStartFragment

  • Squats 5 x 5

  • Weighted Walking Lunges 4 x 30

  • Leg Extensions 4 x 20

  • Hamstring Curls 4 x 20

  • Weighted Calf Press 5 x 10

Wednesday: Chest/Back/Shoulders

  • Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 5 x 10-12

  • Decline Cable Fly’s 5 x 20

  • Weighted Wide Grip Chins 4 x 6-8

  • Pulldowns 4 x 12-15

  • One-Arm Dumbbell Row 4 x 10-12

  • Machine Row 4 x 12-15

  • Standing Overhead Barbell Press 4 x 6-8

  • Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4 x 12-15

  • Bent-Over Rear Delt Fly’s 4 x 15

Thursday: Cardio/Abs/Calves

  • Sprints

  • Barbell Rollouts 3 x 15

  • Weighted V-Sit Ups 3 x 15

  • Hanging Leg Raises 3 x 20

  • Exercise Ball Oblique Crunch 3 x 15

  • Cable Woodchop 3 x 15

  • Russian Twist 3 x 50

  • Weighted Calf Press 5 x 12

Friday: Heavy Deadlifts/Back/Chest

  • Deadlift 5 x 5-6

  • Rack Pull 3 x 8

  • Incline Bench Press 4 x 8

  • Incline Dumbbell Fly’s 4 x 12

  • Decline Cable Fly’s 4 x 20

  • Wide Grip Pulldown 4 x 12-15

  • Bent-Over Barbell Row 4 x 12-15

  • Seated Machine Row 4 x 12-15

  • Straight Arm Cable Pushdown 3 x 12-15

Saturday: Moderate Quads/Hamstrings

  • Squats 5 x 8-10

  • Leg Press 3 x 50

  • Leg Extension 4 x 25

  • Hamstring Curl 4 x 25

  • Calf Raise 5 x 15

Sunday: Off/Cardio

  • Sprints

What is your supplementation like?

I’m sponsored by Optimum Nutrition and incorporate the following into my routine:

  • Whey

  • BCAA’s

  • Creatine

  • Pre-Workout Stimulant

Daily Diet:

  • Meal 1: 2 scoops Whey, 1 Banana

  • Meal 2: 6 ounces Low Fat Greek Yogurt, 6 ounces Oats, 1 tablespoon Peanut Butter and 1 Skim Cappuccino

  • Meal 3: 5-7 ounces Ground Turkey, 4-6 ounces Brown Rice, 6-8 ounces Mixed Vegetables, 1 slice Low Fat Cheese and Barbeque Sauce

  • Meal 4: 5-7 ounces Chicken or Beef, 4-6 ounces Sweet Potato or Pumpkin 6-8 ounces Leafy Greens, 1 slice Low Fat Cheese and Sauce

  • Meal 5: 5-7 ounces Baked Chicken, 4-6 ounces Fries and 6-8 ounces Vegetables

  • Meal 6: Chocolate, Ice-Cream or 1 scoop Whey

Favorite Quotes:

‘You won’t get much done if you only grind on days you feel good.










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