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Physique Athlete International is in partnership with and is partially sponsored by Media-Tee Coverage, featuring professional athletes across the world. We promote and market and in return Wix promotes our athletes' websites.
If you are a big fitness brand, or pro -athlete wanting to start up your own website, we might be interested in sponsoring you and also have Wix market your website for you.
On this website we offer free and highy accurate information about fitness; nutrition and supplementation. We feature some of the best athletes in the world and new comers who have been signed to huge fitness brands .
Due to our previous site being hacked into, we have unfortunately lost most of our archives. To our current followers, please bear with us. We are updating the nutrition and supplementation pages, which will be available soon.
Our articles page, is only recent interviews we have done within the last 2 months, and are in the process of loading older interview, thank you for your continued support.
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